Saturday, May 26, 2012

March Field Air Show

On May 19 we went to the March Field air show here in California. I have actually never heard of it, but my husband is really good friends with my cousins husband and the two of them planned the whole thing out. Since I had never heard of it I was a little hesitant since I'm not too into those kinds of things and since I'm not too sure if what goes on I was a little skeptical as well.
It turned out to be greater than what I thought, and even if it wasn't I got to hang out with my cousin and her cute family, she has 4 of the greatest, well behaved kids I've been around in a while! The show was pretty epic I can't believe the pilots and their talents in those planes, it's so scary to me but probably a walk in the park to them!
The show they put on was great, it looked like they were going to crash thousands of times, but of course didn't (funny how many stories you hear after attending one of these, about how some do crash) I'm sure the pilots families panic every time they go up! I know I would.

There was also this dinosaur robot that breathed fire and ripped apart junk yard cars! I'm so not kidding it was crazy, good thing I have pics to prove it!! Haha!

Hope you enjoy the pics, a lot of them my little cousin Noah took, he loves taking pictures so of course I let him take the lens! Lol

I'm no longer hesitant and now that I know what there about I'll go to one again. They have them I guess once every two years because of fuel costs, but it's nice because it's free for your whole family!! All I recommend is sunblock it up and bring your own chair and umbrella to hide from the sun, that's one thing my hubby didn't plan on, but I'm tan now, so all is forgiven!! Haha!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

NOTD...Nail of the day!

I've been getting gel manicures as of late, I've had one before but it was last year but I have been enjoying doing my own manicures this year and changing colors more often, but whenever I want to feel extra pampered I get gel done. It's a love hate relationship though, I love the look of them, so polished, pun intended, the fact that it lasts for so long...but I hate how spendy it can get, the fact that they can last so long that I get bored with the color and that it makes my natural nails thin and brittle etc.
Today though I love them, this particular color is called Daisy I'm not sure about the glitter on my ring finger nail but I love it!! Hope you enjoy!
Peace & Love!

Disneyland Double Date

It's not a secret, it's not a joke, I love Disneyland! I'm only speaking on my behalf in this post because on this topic I can't really talk for Jesse, I think he really only puts up with my love for the big D because he loves me and that is oh so sweet!
Last Sunday we spent the morning in the Lords house, then we decided to meet up with some friends for an afternoon and evening at the big D. I love the fact that we can do that living here in California, the ability to do lots in a timespan of a weekend or a weekend day! It's grand!
Anyways it was a perfect afternoon, things were a little busy there, some wait times for ride lines were 40 minutes or longer and on a warm day like it was it wasn't nice to stand for that long. Luckily we have annual passes so we've been there many times before and there was no need to rush to see everything because we've seen it all already. So we headed for obvious have to do rides like Space Mountain, Thunder Mountain, Pirates, Indiana Jones which were all conquered except for Pirates and Indiana I can't remember why we didn't go on Pirates but Indiana was shut down which was tragic lol that's one of my favorites!
We decided to move over to California adventure which has a lot more "adult rides" and by that I mean faster bigger more fun, but before that we stopped for some delicious ice cream on Main street!
When we got over to C.A. we went on the bumper cars, which yes is in the kiddie section, and we might have been the only ones that were over 48" and didn't have children in tow, but we're all kids at heart so it was appropriate. We also rode California Screamin' but now that I think of it that was it, rides shut down early on that side for the World of color show which is sad but it was still a great time!
The only bad thing about that day was that Jesse and I wore flip flops which was the worst mistake lol, my feet are still recovering! Haha It was just too hot to wear socks and shoes! Lesson learned! I hope you enjoy the pictures I took, this place makes me feel like dreams can come true, and that I'm 5 years old again, my childhood was magical do why wouldn't I want to re-live that through a place over and over again? One day when we have kiddos of our own maybe my hubby will understand a little more when he sees it in their eyes, until then I'm having fun trying to get him to take my side ;) haha!!!!
Peace, Love & Mickey ears!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Gardening Adventures In Southern California

Keeping up with gardening is one of those things where you have all these aspirations all these ideas of greatness to do amazing things to your yard or garden but then reality strikes in, life happens and your garden or yard is so in the back of your mind it's almost like it wasn't there to begin with! Even though, at least for us anyways, you walk by it or at least see it once daily since it surrounds you.
This is what happens to us, well happens to me at least. I love the idea of a garden or a great yard and some would say since we are childless that we would have all this time on our hands, as that may be true in the eyes of others we are busting our booties, working hard to get out of debt, checking things off on our pre-kid bucket list (more on this list coming soon for those interested) basically taking the advice from wise parents who tell us "Take your time, you guys are young, take the time now to do the things you love together"-OK! Done, yes and done! LOL.

Ok getting ahead of myself here- Jessica! Back to your yard...see this is how it's neglected I tend to get side tracked.
You've seen our post of our first gardening adventures as a married couple back in '09 oh how I wish to achieve what we had in Oregon here in California. Lush veggies! Unfortunately we now live in a very hot and dry climate, so a luscious veggie garden is possible for me though it doesn't economically friendly I mean I know being able to just cut them from your backyard would be cheaper in the grocery fund but the watering of it in this weather doesn't seem friendly at all. My grandpa is working on his again this year, he started his veggie garden last year, so I will learn from that and see in the future if it's something I would like to do here.
As of right now though we are blessed to have a front yard area, I say front yard area because it's cemented in the front, grass in our side yard, which our pups love and then a back yard which is half bricked half cement. All of it though is fenced in which is so nice, and all of this including the fencing is a super hard find here in this town especially the grass part! We moved into this unit a couple of months ago, we were living in the unit a couple of doors down (I know movin' on up!) which had a fenced back yard but when this unit became available we could not pass it up, with a front yard a little bigger back yard and bonus grassed side yard what a bonus! Plus same set up as far as the house part so it wasn't a tough move at all!
When we moved in the yard was eh- ok I guess, the people that lived in it before were friends of ours and obviously lived the same workin' hard life too because it was a little weeded out the grass a little tall, but no worries we understood obviously it was far in the back of their minds as well. So having this weekend together we decided to tackle it all. Tall grass, weeds, overgrown shrubs and take care of it to start out this spring on the right foot. We borrowed my grandparents mower and weed wacker, put our gloves on a got busy! Of course I have no before pictures but the after pictures have some of the before left behind so you can see all the nasty weeds and shrubbery we attacked. Also you can see our pups they love spending time outside especially in this good looking yard! So check out photos below for our semi-after shots-

This is our view from our front door, see cemented area? I'd love to get a table or tables with umbrellas to enjoy the out door weather this spring/summer time! Our next area of attack is what you see straight ahead, we will make that a little more pretty soon, in your view that is a grape vine which my Grandma says does grow grapes, YAY! Also to your right a beautiful rose bush, I love me some roses!

You'll have to excuse me because I don't know what this is called, but it has a shade of red/purple in it and it's beautiful, I will be asking my Grandma how to maintain this because as pretty as it is I want it to grow correctly. By the way in case you were wondering my granparent's own the town homes we live in and used to live in this exact unit when they moved here way back in the day and added all of these beauties themselves as well as the cement (meant for a Jacuzzi) and grass! So thanks guys!

There's our youngest, hi Mojito! He always knows when the camera is on in his direction! When we mowed our side yard as you can see, we noticed the not so lovely color brown so we will be investing in some weed and feed and get it back to green!
So sad, but not for long we tilled it up so it could breathe until we put the feed down.

Posted by Picasa There's our oldest, Hi Chipotle! He could care less about the camera. These are our shrubs which got some love as well!

It was all so needed, it looks a ton happier a ton happier and so much more organized for some reason. It looks like the renters care, which we do having more time is of course what we need. I wasn't able to upload the backyard pictures for some reason so sadly I'll have to do that part in another post. Until then I hope you enjoy this post and it interests you as it does us!

Monday, March 19, 2012

NOTD- Nail of the Day

Click on the link below to see my nail colors of the day!

If you are not a part of Instagram yet, hurry up and join! It's such a fun app and adds amazing effects to your daily pictures :) I can't get enough! Also if you're interested in my nail colors they are Sally Hansen "thinking of blue" and Sinful Colors "aquamarine" and Pure Ice "spit fire" glitter on the ring finger!!! Peace&Love

Seriously? Part One.

Well hello there, it has for sure been a while. I haven't logged in since July 2009 and that makes me very sad. Reading the below posts I was so young (LOL) so eager so willing to keep this 'ol blog here updated and I have failed I have failed big time! Being that it is now March 2012 a lot has happened, no a ton has happened and I will try to sum it up as shortly as that long of gap can be shortened.
First off my hubby and I moved to Southern California! I know right? From Oregon to Southern California...Why you ask? Well to be honest we sometimes still ask ourselves the same thing so I can't give you a straight shot answer because there are a ton, from the hubbies job situation, to a change in scenery, even the excuse of we're young we're married we don't have kids and if we are going to make this "big" move we might as well do it now. Of course more than others it has been hubbies job situation. He's always worked in the construction area and has such a passion/love for it it can only be seen in his work and in person. Unfortunately that same love did not find him in 2009, the drop in economy meant people were not building therefore his company cut back which resulted in cutting sad.
The Lord had something up his sleeve. My Grandparents were wanting to build a 3 bedroom house on their property for a future investment to get renters in there and help with their mortgage, Jesse wasn't working so they offered. That meant Jesse had to live there with them to be able to get any leeway on such a big project, we were in our freshly new marriage we had to make that decision, would we both go? Would it be hard to be away from each other that long? would it be worth it? Yes, yes & YES! After he left, started the house and in between the long commutes to visit home and me, we took the plunge! It was all becoming too hard not being with each other, the strictly phone calls, the finances, we decided to move to make the move. Jesse was optimistic about jobs suited for him there. Things to consider before leaving: I loved my job. We loved our family and friends in Oregon (still do, LOL) Our beloved home church where I attended 13 years at that point. Basically the things we were surrounded with, knowing the known..does that make sense? We were comfortable.

Leave it to us to shake things up. We made a pros and cons list on the move to a different state a state we didn't really know, people we would leave behind, it was hard to make. It seemed so right to make the decision we did. It still seems right. Although leaving all those people and the known we feel we made a right one, sure we miss everyone and everything we left behind but we really didn't leave them and with all the technology now a days (Phones, skype, Facebook) sometimes it can be like we never left.
Plus I'm originally from California (moved to Oregon in 1995 with my madre) I knew of some areas, and have a ton of family from both my Mom and Dad sides that have always lived here. So it's not like we were completely moving into the unknown, it's always as I think back now the adjusting to a move like that, that is the hardest. Getting to know that family has been worth it, working on our old fashioned social networking skills has been an adventure in itself but in the couple years we have been here we have made some lifelong friends that no matter where we end up we will always have them in our life. Getting to be near to my other family members has been amazing as well and feel so blessed that I can live this close to them now. Including 3 brothers, 1 sister, 4 aunts, 3 uncles, 60 cousins, 2 Grandmas, 1 great grandma, 2 Grandpa's I could go forever LOL. And I love it, and have loved getting to them all over/better during this time. I'll save that for a later post.
So we moved here in October of 2009 into a fairly bigger place than ours back in Oregon, in our first little space in pics up above it was basically a studio, we did have a wall separating our kitchen/dining/living room from our bedroom and bathroom but it was one bedroom one bath. Since then we've added 1 more bedroom and bathroom, one thing that was funny to us moving here was that all of our things we moved from what we thought was smaller than where are living now all of our stuff filled our new place! Haha! Hoarders! We also adopted a chihuahua and got pick of the liter and now have a little-er chihuahua their names are Chipotle and Mojito and love them oh so much! So now that we have had new adventures in all of this I will be better at updating with new stories more pictures, maybe you'll laugh maybe you'll cry, maybe you'll laugh/cry at my writing and story telling abilities I don't know, but I hope you enjoy this more updated blog, I hope you can enjoy all of this as we have. There's so much to tell, so much to do goals to achieve that I have for this 'ol blog, so sit back make another cup of tea, yours from my first post here must be o'so cold haha, and enjoy the new, slightly moved, slightly aged and slightly more tanned Riley family!