Saturday, May 26, 2012

March Field Air Show

On May 19 we went to the March Field air show here in California. I have actually never heard of it, but my husband is really good friends with my cousins husband and the two of them planned the whole thing out. Since I had never heard of it I was a little hesitant since I'm not too into those kinds of things and since I'm not too sure if what goes on I was a little skeptical as well.
It turned out to be greater than what I thought, and even if it wasn't I got to hang out with my cousin and her cute family, she has 4 of the greatest, well behaved kids I've been around in a while! The show was pretty epic I can't believe the pilots and their talents in those planes, it's so scary to me but probably a walk in the park to them!
The show they put on was great, it looked like they were going to crash thousands of times, but of course didn't (funny how many stories you hear after attending one of these, about how some do crash) I'm sure the pilots families panic every time they go up! I know I would.

There was also this dinosaur robot that breathed fire and ripped apart junk yard cars! I'm so not kidding it was crazy, good thing I have pics to prove it!! Haha!

Hope you enjoy the pics, a lot of them my little cousin Noah took, he loves taking pictures so of course I let him take the lens! Lol

I'm no longer hesitant and now that I know what there about I'll go to one again. They have them I guess once every two years because of fuel costs, but it's nice because it's free for your whole family!! All I recommend is sunblock it up and bring your own chair and umbrella to hide from the sun, that's one thing my hubby didn't plan on, but I'm tan now, so all is forgiven!! Haha!

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